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Hippy Wife, Hippy Life

My Journey - Health - Healing

Whew. Where do I even start? I have been procrastinating on writing this blog for years now. Yep, that's right. Years! I don't know how many times I had to hear, "You should write a book or start a blog," before I finally got here, to this moment. Do we ever think we are ready? Do we ever think we are good enough? Smart enough? Interesting enough? Man, if I could get to that place where the answer was a resounding yes, I suppose I would have started years ago. It only took a Pandemic to light a fire under my ass.

Everyone has a story to tell and my particular story may be of no interest to you and sure, fine, whatever, I'm not everyone's cup of tea. For the ones who do follow along, I hope my experience can either help you or entertain you or maybe it makes you appreciate your life a little more when you read about my shit show. Whatever you get out of it, thank you for being here.

What is Hippy wife, Hippy life anyway?

Take a seat and let me tell ya. I’ve been “fighting” for my health for the past 7 years in ways that a lot of people can’t even imagine. I have been diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis, Dysautonomia, and a benign, but growing, brain tumor. Between that, I have had findings of cervical cancer cells, antibodies for Hashimotos and Diabetes type 1 or Stiff Man Syndrome, a lung nodule, bronchial wall thickening, homozygous MTHFR mutation, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, and an enlarged thymus (associated with Myasthenia Gravis). Then there's the complications of medications which have led to cataracts in both eyes, osteoporosis, anemia, and aseptic meningitis on a couple of occasions, just to name a few.

I’ve tried Western medicine and Functional medicine which includes everything from Ayurvedic medicine to Chinese medicine. I’ve joked, but borderline serious, that if someone told me howling at the moon naked would cure me, I’d do it. I’ve researched and researched topics like environmental toxics, CBD, EMF’s, nutrition, mind-body connections, sleep habits, genetic mutations, crystals, essential oils, past life trauma, all while taking the western medicine approach through immunosuppression, IVIG therapy, and surgeries.

If you are just starting your healing journey or are “stuck” in your healing journey or hell, don’t ever want to take the healing journey meaning you’re taking preventive action now... I got you! Let me do the work for you. I want to give the health challenges I have a positive association, a meaning, a deeper purpose. Give me purpose, people. Let me help you!

So, now I know what you’re thinking next. Am I really a hippy? Well, sort of. I like to think of myself as a modern day hippy. I believe in using the earth as medicine. From grounding and electromagnetic therapy to eating organic, mostly plant based food. I believe in being diligent about knowing what you’re putting in or on your body and no, I don’t stink... well, not all of the time. I also believe that when you are at peace with yourself and your surroundings, you’re living your best life. Your healthiest life. Your happiest life and we all know when mama ain’t happy, no one is happy. Happy wife, happy life. Well, in my case, hippy wife, hippy life.


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