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The Hunt for Healthy Products

Being chronically ill is like going on a scavenger hunt that you didn’t want to participate in and worse, that doesn’t have a definitive ending. Along the way, you get clues as to what may or may not be causing your illness. The clues may lead you in one direction just to turn around and move you in an opposite direction. Sometimes, the clues are helpful and sometimes they leave you baffled where more information is needed. Ultimately, you’re hoping that at the end of this hunt, you’ll be cured or put into remission. How many steps will it take to get there though?

I felt like I was reaching the end of my scavenger hunt where the pieces made sense and there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Then again, I’ve felt this way before. It seems that every time I think I’ve gathered all the information I can, I find another missing piece. It definitely explains why I’m not cured or in remission yet and it just goes to show that everyone gets to the end of their healing journey at their own pace. While I love being proactive and learning new things about my health, it’s also frustrating that there is so much that can be contributing to these chronic illnesses that are outside of our control or that we are simply unaware of. They range from food allergies and mold exposure, to oxidative stress and childhood trauma.

I’ve learned today that the cleaning products I thought were safe and non-toxic have actually been rated an F for clean ingredients. They are being falsely advertised under phrases like “free & clear”, “plant based”, or “natural” when in reality the only thing they are free and clear from is being held responsible for poisoning our air and our bodies.

The ingredients inside these products can especially wreak havoc on an already over sensitive body. One such ingredient is methylisothiazolinone. Methylisothiazolinone ranked top allergen in 2013 and was completely banned in the UK in 2016 yet is commonly used in place of parabens in “natural” cosmetics and cleaning products in the United States. It’s linked to everything from common allergic reactions like rashes and congestion to nerve damage and organ toxicity. The FDA doesn’t regulate this ingredient (and many others) that are known to be bad for our health. In addition to the ingredient I listed above, there are 1,300 others that have been banned by Europe alone. In comparison, the U.S. has only banned 11 of these harmful chemicals. The most commonly used products with unsafe ingredients include make up, bath products, cleaning supplies, and even children’s and baby products.

Do we really know what we are putting on ourselves or our children? I think most people live under the assumption that because these things are sold on shelves, they are safe for us. The reality is, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Everyone needs and deserves cleaner products and those with sensitive systems should be extra cautious of the things they are putting in or on their body. That includes the products we spray onto surfaces or into the air which we then inhale and absorb.

These toxic ingredients are definitely not the only thing causing our flares and illnesses but they are more than likely contributing and by no means helping us! Make sure you’re aware of the ingredients you’re using. Knowledge is power, we are our own advocates and it might just be a matter of staying sick or getting better. We all deserve to get better and we are all deserve to be healthy!


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